Cast of a Mastodonsaurus tusk. It shows that this amphibian was one of the largest predators of its time.
Cast of Mastodonsaurus skull, showing the large oval eye sockets. On the tip of the nose bone are two openings for the large canine teeth. (Not visible on the cast.)
The marked lines on the head show that the sensory organs of Mastodonsaurus were aligned in rows along the head. It indicates that it was an aquatic animal that seldom left the water.
This is part of a skull of the early amphibian Mastodonsaurus. The ornamented surface is characteristic. You might also take a look at the skeleton of Eryops in the Permian section.
This fossil shows part of the amphibian’s breastbone, which is similar to a human collar bone. It functioned both as protection and as an attachment for muscles.
The surface ornamentation is characteristic of early amphibians like Mastodonsaurus. You might also take a look at the skeleton of Eryops in the Permian section.